r4 sdhc R4i 3DS Manual, FAQ -R4i 3DS Revolution for DS, R4i GOLD 3DS

MainMenu Item

Items choosing:you can change items by KEY_LEFT and KEY_RIGHT.The item chosed,will be sourrounded by the aperture.

Entering Game menu:choosing the game icon and you can see the icon sourrounded by the aperture.After pressing KEY_A,you can enter the game menu.

About the mutilmedia: choosing the mutilmedia icn and you can see the icon sourrounded by the aperture.After pressing KEY_A,you can start moonshell2.02.

About Slot2:this cartridge mainly be used on NDSi and this function has been abanded.

GameMenu Item

&nbsp,r4 sdhc;Choosing the game:all games in the TF card will be listed on the top-screen, and you can choose the game by KEY_UP and KEY_DOWN.After pressing KEY_A,you can enter the game.

Cheating enable:clicking the ball on the left of”Cheating enable”,you can enable the cheating when the ball becomes green. When the ball becomes gray,it means the cheating will be disabled in the game.

Downloadplay enable:clicking the ball on the left of”Downloadplay enable”,you can enable downloadplay when the ball becomes green. When the ball becomes gray,it means downloadplay will be disabled in the game,CU3 PS3.

Cheating items setup:by clicking the “Cheat(X)” button or KEY_X,you can enter cheating items setup .

Saver position setup:click the five buttons on the bottom,you can choose the saver position.The selected saver position will become green.

Backlight adjusting:pressing KEY_R change the LCD brightness

CheatingMenu Item

Cheating items selecting:all the cheating items will displayed on the bottom screen. When you slip on the bottom screen,the items will scroll according to the position of you hand.

Cheating items setup:click the chosed cheating item.When the ball on the left becomes green,it means this item has been opened in the game,r4i 3ds gold.When the ball on the left becomes gray,it means this item has been closed in the game,r4i 3ds sdhc.

Setup the cheating item by the buttons:click the “Enable(X)” button,you can enable this item chosed before.And you can disable it by click the “Disable(Y)”button.

Setup the cheating item by hotkeys:click KEY_X,you can enable this item chosed before,ace 3ds carte.And you can disable it by click KEY_Y,ACE 3DS PLUS.

Cheating items saving:after the items having been chosed,you must save them.By clicking “Save(A)” button or KEY_A,you can save these items.

Going back to the game menu:by clicking “Cancel(B)” button or KEY_B,you can exit this menu and go back to the game menu.